This is the animalwords that we have been practicing in the first and second grade:
- monkey apa
- bear björn
- dragon drake
- elephant elefant
- fish fisk
- dog hund
- hedgehog igelkott
- cow ko
- cat katt
- lynx lodjur
- mouse mus
- ladybird nyckelpiga
- snake orm
- parrot papegoja
- fox räv
- seal säl
- rooster/cock tupp
- owl uggla
- whale val
- zebra sebra
- budgie undulat
- turtle sköldpadda
- bird fågel
- elk/moose älg
- donkey åsna
- lizard ödla
- rabbit kanin
- horse häst
- guinea pig marsvin
- hen höna
- frog groda
This is 41 animals and insects the we will learn in the future.
- råtta-rat
- puma-cougar
- hammarhaj-hammerhead
- fjäril-butterfly
- fluga-fly
- gräshoppa-grasshopper
- mullvad-mole
- skunk-skunk
- grävling-badger
- krabba-crab
- bläckfisk-octopus (squid)
- mård-marten
- lax-salmon
- svärdfisk-swordfish
- späckhuggare-killer whale
- myra-ant
- gam-vulture
- leopard-lepard
- skorpion-scorpion
- noshörning-rhinoceros (rhino)
- giraff-giraffe
- flodhäst-hippo
- delfin-dolphin
- näbbdjur-platypus
- ekorre-squirrel
- svan-swan
- buffel-buffalo
- rådjur-deer
- myrslok-anteater
- fladdermus-bat
- varg-wolf
- får-sheep
- pingvin-penguin
- örn-eagle
- gorilla-gorilla
- gris-pig
- hare-hare
- fästing-tick
- snigel-snail
- aborre-perch
- gepard-cheetah